Each time trying the new things, my baby used to have particular impressed face. When she saw a dog and later took it home, I think this impression was double then. I was even getting jealous. As so many hugs my baby used not even to give to me, like that dog used to receive there.

At this period we were living still at the lake in the country side house. With a baby and dog it was necessary to clean properly and every day. My child used to watch me arranging around and once she decided to help me. Rather early, I have to admit, at the age of one year and four months. It was so kind of her and made me really smile. With the brooms into two hands and trying to copy me, it was not possible to watch the child without a laugh or at least smile up to the face. The most funny episodes, I remember, there were when I used to turn on the music and the baby was dancing with the brooms in the rhythms of music. I tried to change the songs, and I noticed that the movements of the baby's body was changing according to the rhythms of the songs. The video of her that I have made then was just amazing. So, small and already so tactical little one!

Except dancing, we were playing also a model. What I noticed about my baby there was that all the kinds of decorations up to the head, used to suit her just wonderful. Putting the big bowl up to the head, the baby was very curious to watch herself inside the mirror there. I do not know, if the kid thought that there was another baby in, or she used to recognize herself still there, but all the time a great smile used to appear up to her face. Sometimes she used to turn the head towards me, giving me a quick look, and again continue with the great interest to watch herself.

Sure, after such the activities we were getting tired and hungry. The best place where my baby liked to have a rest there was up to the stomach and breast. Hard to breath for me, but my kid was getting calm and even falling asleep very fast then.

And the first dish that we used to cook together there was a pizza. I prepared the bread, and my baby was helping me to put all the other ingredients up to it. She couldn't wait till the time it to be cooked, and was watching the fire inside the oven almost non-stop. And when pizza was ready and was at the table, the baby was sneezing to make it colder and was calling me with a hand to join in. Unforgettable moments of cooking and taking dinner like this together...It was our second Santa Valentine's Day!

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