The worker of that centre of mother and child checked the position of my body while feeding the baby. In the hospital they did not tell me anything about that. And this woman said it was important. As, if to keep the baby in the wrong way, the milk via channels was circulation badly. And, it could be the reason why the child was not getting enough milk, even if it was collected enough there. I had to keep baby more in front, in the way so the baby did not do efforts to get to the tit to be able to suckI had to put the pillow around my waist, or under the hand. This way my body and hand were also relax and in  comfort. That way I did not keep the baby with the power of my hand. As they said it could also influence the quality of breast feeding. And the last advice that I got there, there was to do the massage of the breast. It had to be dome with the two hands clock-wise movement for five-ten minutes a day. They said that it made the circulation of the blood better. And also it helped for opening the milk channels there, in case they were too narrow or blocked. They suggested me to try first these actions first. And then, if it would be not working, to give powder milk.

I arrived home and tried what they suggested me in the mother and child centre. It did not work out for me then. I tried their methodic for the next month. Mean while, I asked the suggestion of one of my friends who was a mother, too. She said that she was using one machine to withdraw milk from her tits, the breast pumpThat tool had the stronger sucking power, when just the baby was sucking the milk out. So, it could withdraw the milk more properly, if it was still remaining there. That way it was possible to control also how much milk the baby drank each time. And also this way the life of baby was easier, as to suck from the bottle was always better, then from the tit.

Using the b
reast pump was working better for me. Seems like I got more milk this way to arrive, as the baby quickly and happily was finishing her bottle, and immediately, without crying, was falling asleep. But in a week or two the old story repeated. So, I still tried the powder milk. Seems like the child liked it. She was finishing with the same pleasure that bottle.. And I did not notice any problems with stomach, like strange poo or bloated stomach.

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