At the fifth month the baby became really playful. With great pleasure she was playing with me, when I used to make her ticklish to laugh. Or, make her " to ride the horse" in the lying down position up to me. Or, just when I attracted the attention with the toys. All was  great. The baby also demanded much attention. The partner did not used to find much time for her, pity. I saw how happy she was when the father was playing sometimes with her. But, it was so seldom. When he used to stop, she used to get upset much, these emotions also were visible up to her face..

At that time I started to give her already some extra food, not milk only. At the beginning, I preferred to include into her daily meal, something that was already ready done. Not because it was easier and faster. She really was eating very little and to loose that much time to cook, and the baby eat just a few spoons, for me it did not have much sense. More over, that this food for babies was not that much expensive. And, if I used to buy ten cans of one hundred millimetres each one, it use to cost ten pounds and it was enough for one week.

But, still if you do not wish to buy a ready done babies food, but to cook your own one, then better to start from using the apple first. They say it has the juice that it is good for the digestion. Don't give the fresh one, if it is one of the first times, but cook it in the oven. Then smash well with the spoon, or do with the mixer. The next days it is possible to give another vegetables : carrots, potatoes, beetroots, zucchini... All cooked for a long  time and well smashed. Important to try one vegetable or fruit at the same time and at the same day. It's for extra security, in case the child's body does not accept it and getting the allergy. Not guaranteed it would happen, but still better not to risk. In this way, you will be sure that you know exactly which products to give and which not to give to.

And here the Santa Valentines day has arrived. I presented to my princess the hand made heard. My partner was jealous. I have seen it in this eyes. Since the time I was pregnant, I noticed he was worried how it would be when the baby would appear. Once, he even told me that after the baby birth, I would have no time for him. It was not truth. You always find time for whose whom you love. But, it was how he thought. And, my case was not unique. Men, if they tell you this or not, they very often have the scare to be abandoned when the baby appears. They see a child like a kind of competitor. Later, it can even create the problems with the relationship. Sometimes, I used to feel that he was feeling exactly like this. Like a child, he did not understand that the love I have towards the child was different one kind, then towards him like towards the man. And, more over, that the child was a small one. She needs much attention at that period. And I saw his jealous eyes while he was doing the photo of me and the baby with that heard...

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