The greatest event of the next month there was the visit a kind of festival for babies with different activities - 'Fiera di Osnago'. It was a real paradise for babies, so many things was possible to do there! We arrived there in the morning, and left the event closer to the evening time.

My child loves animals much. So, the trip around started exactly from this section. We found there mostly domestic animals, and most of them it was possible to touch. That was the advantage, if to compare it with the zoo. As the children always have the temptation to try all with the own hands. Among the horses, sheep, asses there, there was also a family of a very lovely white rabbits. And the most of time my baby was spending exactly at that corner. As these rabbits there was possible to take also up to the hands.

The next one section of entertainment that has attracted my baby so much there was the active one with slides. At first, we did it few times together. But later for my baby it was already a kind of competition with another child: who would arrive faster to the finish and how many times would do that.

When we have got tired and were moving to have the rest to the room with balls there, we have met some alive characters there, and even did a photo with a great cat. In the game with the balls, my child has won, I have to admit. As she through away around much more balls then me. And with constructions I used to help her. And we built a great tower there together!

Later my baby took my the hand up and brought to me to the Sweet House. There we have seen one of a greatest ice-creams in our life! And when we exited some clown presented us a ballon, too. And we continued our travelling to a painting room. There was a possibility to do a child's tattoo there. But, my kid was scared somebody to touch her with the hands and some kind of pen. So, we just limited the activities with the painting up to the paper and creating the picture up to the wall. It was the first time Margaret was keeping colourful pencils and brushes, and she used to have a very busy face...

...And even on the way back home, already on the exit, we had a chance to watch a performance already in the street. It was a wonderful magic trip into a fairy tale.

But not every day is a holiday. And sometimes we used still to stay at home and around. More and more time my child was busy playing a model. And she was coming each time to watch herself in the mirror after putting on the new dress on. And most of all, seems like, she used to like to put on my shoes there! At the same time we made the first hair arranging - two pony tails at the upper part of the head. She was so funny looking and was reminding me a grass hopper. Also she continue to copy me about everything: imitating typing at the computer, the mood of showing the tongue , movement of the hands... Actually, these days she became a very active user of the computer. She used to open and close computer, typed there something and tried to find her favourite cartoon about Peppa pig...

The summer season was starting. And the more time we used to spend outside in the park equipped with baby playing area. At this time the baby was already confident. And used to get up to slides and all the other children attractions without problems. We used to do the first shapes from the sand at that period, too. It was quite thrilling that moment for me. I had the opportunity to remind together with my baby how I used to do it almost 30 years ago. I had to remind the balance of water to put in, so it was possible to make the constructions of the sand. When doing the shapes, my hands were a bit not used to that, like hers, too. And, finally, together we did a hard job, and obtained wonderful sand done boxes and fruits. And, mean while, the sand creatures were drying up the sun, my child and I were taking the sun at the beach, too. Margaret, like a true girl, was so interested in putting the cream there. She was serving both of us, so no change to burn under the sun there was. And when the baby was putting on my sun glasses there, she used to look like some star there ... Unforgettable summer holidays were starting on.

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