Not only the healthy food, that is the supplement for your "plant" at that time, is needed when you pregnant. But the "temporary house" for your baby also has to be clean, they say. And the sport is the best "cleaning tool" for the body, physical and mental one. Yea, the next thing after I have done after a healthy shopping, it was to run quickly into the gym.

I was very scared about the activity of my hormones. And, also the style of life that had to be changed completely. That might bring me to get too many kilos, these bad thoughts bothered me. No, no, not possible not be able to close the shoes arriving to last months of pregnancy. It's not for me.

But, at the same time, it was not possible to do much in the gym. I had uterus a bit increased. And the doctors has given me the restrictions not to run or jump, for example , so do not to loose the baby. The same way, like other active kinds of sport, that I used to like, ski or dance, were also risky for me. So, the pool, the stretching were my possibilities for that time. And I was used to provide the active way of the life! Sure, I knew that it was not for ever that period. But, it was hard to say "no" to the things that I used to like. I still remember the boring exercises for pregnant with the ball and "frog position" stretching. For example, "the frog" moves the muscles and bones, that makes  easier the expansion of the delivery ways. "Oh my God, it is so painful, takes so much time and effort to get to the right position", - the first impression there was when I just started. But they helped very much to prepare the body for the delivery.
gym sport cleaning tool body physical mental exercise flog position ball

When getting the stomach, the balance of the body getting worse. I remember when walking along the street, I was getting suddenly left or right, in stead of walking straight. And it was hard to do something with this. As felt like your body was like not yours. And it did not "listen" to you. But, if to do the exercises with the ball, it helps somehow to improve the body movement.

And my back was like the granny's one. During the pregnancy the hand was very often up to the down part of the back. And I walked a bit banded down. It reduced the pain. Everybody used to say that it normal to feel the pain like this during the pregnancy. As extra kilos were arriving, the balance of the body was changed. And it was the truth. But, nobody used to tell me at that time that I have to make also the particular exercises to make my back-bone stronger. Well, I did not check each inch of my body when was pregnant. And that was a pity. And, I got to know only after delivery, that my back-bone muscles were weak. That's why so much pain has arrived then. I also got to know that I have got two hermia because of weak muscles. I did not do exercises at that time. They say, if not to cure hermia, I cannot skip the operation. So, better to check the backbone as soon as getting pregnant and to prepare the back on time to skip this mess later.

back bone back body leg seaside health

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