When this torture will get over? This was the first one and the most important question for me at the last month of pregnancy.

Really, the end of the period was terrible. Not possible to breath. Every 10 meters I had a stop. The pain in the legs and the back was so much that was bringing me to cry. One more thing that made the tears to appear up to my eyes there was a terrible scratching. I asked the doctors for some medicine, but they said that they could not help with any. It was so strong that I woke up at night even and couldn't sleep. One thing that could reduce that bad feeling there was only the warm bath with the salt. But I used to feel better only till the time I was in. And when getting out, the scratching was coming back. In total I was  almost not sleeping at night. If one-two hours was done, I was lucky then.

My vomiting came back. And at the same time I was always hungry. I was eating one fourth of the normal portion that I used to eat before the pregnancy. I was drinking water, eating sup, fruits and ice-cream mostly.

When I tried to clean around or cook, it was so hard job for me that I could not finish it. I had to lay down in the bed, and later to come back to finish. So, to do something used to take me two-three times longer, then in the normal conditions.

My natural proportions of the body were kept on almost without changes. But, the belly was so big! I could not put the shoes on. I had to find not only the proper position, but also the proper moment for that. Because, for example, the last month the baby became super active inside. I used to feel each movement of hers: when she kicked with the legs, and when she scratch me with the fingers. The kicking was ticklish. And scratching was really painful.

photo session photo  image  beauty  woman beautiful

photo session photo  image  beauty  woman beautiful pregnant

And two weeks before the delivery the contractions have appeared. I have read much about it. I knew the contractions of different people can look different. Somebody feels that like painful red days. And in my case it was like the pain in the stomach, like the spasm during diarrhea. It was a very bad feeling. It was catching like a crab, and was blocking my movement then. Specially, I was afraid to cross the street in that moment. In some bad moments I have to wait for a few seconds to be able to do a step at least. I preferred then to go out with someone else. More over, I never knew, if it was still training contractions or the real delivery contractions. The information that the doctors used to tell me, or I have read in the book, was not enough for me to identify that. So, each next time it looked like "may be this moment has arrived". More and more often I was getting the head to go round and the black spots in the eyes used to appear. All the body was burning inside. The  water with ice was helping me then much. Actually, at that time my favourite dessert was...a plate of ice!..Yes-yes, never in my life I used to use ice and there it was so tasty and so helpful for me.

photo session photo  image  beauty  woman beautiful pregnant

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