The pregnant woman they change. The first month of pregnancy any changes there were in my appearance or behaviour.
So, the boarder point was the second month. In appearance still nothing. But the sensations, the feeling started to be different. More angry, more irritating for things that would not touch me, if I was not pregnant. Even my boy-friend used to say this. That before pregnancy I was different. And the same things I used to take in different way. And I just answered that the things changed, because the situation changed: I was pregnant, there was limited time to organise everything, as the pregnancy was not planned at that moment.
Much attention. This was what I demanded very much at that moment. I always wished to be together with my partner. There was a strange scare to stay alone. Who knows, may be something will happen? May be , I will feel so bad that I will loose conscious and will get under the wheels of the car? I was also scared to get in stress. Because, who knows, may be I will get a dismiss of the pregnancy?
I wished more participating of my partner in my situating and understanding it. In other words, more empathy. I knew that for the men it quite hard to get, let's say, "in the skin of the woman" of that period. But they still can do it somehow around, if they actively try. It was impossible to feel the pain that the woman feels, for example. But it was possible to understand that with the brain, not with the touch. For example, in one of the delivery preparation book I have read that the pain that the woman feeling during the delivery is equal to the break down 25 bones at the same time! All the pregnancy period has much discomfort and bad moments on the different periods of pregnancy, too. So, the man has to respect the woman for all the sufferings she is getting in to present him the baby and make him the father. He should appreciate it and do all his best to make the sufferance of his woman less, make her feel more happy it possible at this time, take care about her physical and mental health.
It's so cool when your partner is visiting with your the classes for couples who are preparing to become parents. It shows his interest and participating. Or ,when you start to feel pain in the back-bone or legs, he leaves all the other business that can wait. All: meeting with friends, change his plans to go fishing, and do you the massage.
I used to hear about wonderful couples where men for all the pregnancy period regret their normal style of life. They live the life that he pregnant woman lives in this moment. For example, if they were doing some kind of active sport before, they stop for a while. And they go to the gum to do the pregnant women routine exercises with their love, or just help her to do it correct. Or change the way of taking meal, like the pregnant woman change the menu there. And some, who are smokers, at the period of pregnancy also regret to smoke, and drink even the bear, because their love cannot do it then. It not easy. And not everyone can do, saying , for example, " but I am not pregnant, but she is! "But, I think, it is the best way to show your respect to the woman and to be thankful for your future child! More over, in some cases, it is just necessary. Because, for example, when I was pregnant, I could not stand the smell of the cigarettes around. My heard was going around. But in my normal life before I was a social smoker. I smoked not regularly, but it used to happen. And my friend had much discussions with her boy-friend because he had said he could not stop smoking. And she could not even stay close to him in one bed after he smoke. So ugly there was the smell of the cigarettes at that time! They barely did not split off during the pregnancy. Because she considered the fact that he was not stopping smoking like not a respect and no love. And he complained that there was no love from her end, that she was making him to do the thing that he cannot immediately. But he still did the first step to smoke less and was smoking outside. And, after this each he was brushing the teeth...
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