...My baby was becoming a true lady day by day, more and more. And more and more interest there was towards my things, clothes, shoes. One day, by chance, the baby found a pair of shoes with high heels under the bed. And the great smile appeared immediately up to her face. She removed quickly her trainers out of her legs, and started to put on mine. I told her that these shoes are a little bit still big for her. But, she did not trust me, and decided to double check. In a minute, I have seen my baby up to the heels there, banding the word-robe with one hand, and trying to turn around like the model on the stage! It was not a very easy task, but she did not give up! One more minute passed, and Margaret already with all the confidence was walking around the room. She was carefully moving in front and back with the heavy shoes on...

...These days I also took out of the word-rope the autumn boots. Sure, my child found it immediately. And it was one more funny experience that my child have done there, and that made us both smile. The boots that used to cover my knees, reached up to the butt of the baby. And, when the kid stood up out of the floor and moved there, as fast as it was possible with those great boots, it remind me a fairy tale about the "Cat in the Boots"! So similar there she looked like to the main character! She was turning around again like a model, taking different positions there, and smiling, smiling, smiling.. And I did a great photos mean while!

The same there were with the clothes! My dresses were up to my baby, my trousers that reached up to her neck, too. Leave the baby with the clothes outside the word-robe, and she will show the new trend of fashion there! And with the painting the nails, she was just getting crazy there. She knew the place where I used to keep my nail polishes, and each day started to bring me it there and ask for use. She was painting my nails with such the consideration and hard-working face! No one in my life used to do it with such a passion like my baby! She was taking care about my beauty like no one else!

The hair of my kid grew up long enough to arrange it somehow in a new mood. The pony tail we tried to do the month before. But, she did not like the hair to be locked in that mood. So, we tried to do the spit. This is the hair arranging I prefer best of all. So, my baby used to see it very often. And, when I did the one spit for her, she was carefully examining it with the hand for a while, but did not remove it. And the next day we did the hair in some other different mood : we used a few hair lockers, and created a kind of pony tail. But, in the different mood, then with the rubber, so it did not press the hair much. This way, seems like, it was better for my baby, as she used to keep on up to the evening...



It was already the last month of the summer, and it was necessary to use it with all the power there. At that time, we did not live already close to the lake. But we tried to used any opportunity and time to have fun at the water. And we still found a lake with a lovely baby's park with attractions up to it and not far from our new place. There we tried some new challenges: walking via the rope, and riding in a "spiderman seat".

And, when getting bored, we used to go fishing. There were thousands of small fishes at the lake, that we tried to catch with the hands and, I have to admit, we were quite successful. I took lots of photos of the wonderful impressions of the face of my kid that day. The baby was coping me there as usual each time in a better and better way...

...It was dangerous to go shopping with my child already. When we used to enter a supermarket and were getting to the section of baby goods, it was not possible to take her away from there. She had to exam all the things around. And the kid was getting very upset when I was convincing her that we could not buy all the things round, and we have to leave them still in the shop.

...And finally the birthday party of my baby arrived. It was our second birthday party. In the morning we went out to buy presents and a birthday cake. This year we chose the one with the duck image up, as she liked birds much. It was also a cake with the candles up. And as soon as we blew down these two candles on one breath, we repeated this action again and again lots of times. It seemed like the kid fell in love with such the entertaining thing!

And after lunch time we decided to make a trip to the mountains. It was the first time trip up to the mountains that my baby could do it on her own foot that year. To the bottom of the mountains the bus brought us. And the path up the mountains we had to do by our own. Somewhere there was a normal road. And, somewhere we had to deal with the paths only. And it was the most complicated part for the baby. The legs were not used to walk with way, and the kid was scared to do her steps there. At first I had to take her up to my hands. But later, she started slowly to get used to the new environment. Walking by hand with me, we very walking up via the fields. Sometimes the grass reached my child's head and was touching her face. And, the baby was just smiling when it used to happen the glass to make her ticklish there. And she was helping herself with the hand to make the path easier...We had a wonderful time, and we still conquer that mountain.



... I used to love different kind of festivals on the open air when I was a child and teenager very much. Nowadays, when my baby was already almost two years old, I thought it was time to visit the one together...

There was a kind of street festival. There was possible to buy much different street food done up to the fire. Except the food market, there were markets with different small and funny things, baby's toys, too.. The eyes of my baby were running here and there when she used to see all these tables full of wonderful stuff. But, the most attracted there, she still got with the lighted toys.

We used to play a lottery, too. It was a kind of fishing where it was necessary to catch the ducks out of the water. And, if to get a lucky one, it was possible to get some prize. So, we've won the playing cards there.

And, when my baby has seen the great machines turning people around, she ran forward it like crazy. At the distance, producing the load music and turning round, it looked like a great "hell car". Pity, the baby was too small to try it on. Actually, all of the attractions there were for the older kids. So, we had just to stay aside and enjoy watching the others having fun.

Actually, in this period, my baby has got a great interest to all kinds of machines there, specially cars and bikes. Personally we did not have any kind of transport. But, when there was a possibility, I used to let the baby to have fun playing a driver, using someones car or bike. How happy and emotional the kid was then, when she was pressing some buttons of the real transport! No one toy could make her so happy, like when my baby was playing a driver of the real one transport.

And, here we came back from the trip abroad, and my birthday party arrived. We celebrated it in the aqua park. Water slides and other water attractions, what can be better for the total relax and happiness? Ah, for me one more thing there was: in the morning my child arrived with a few flowers that she collected in the bunch and said "Mama, wow!" She was the first one who greeted me with the birthday party. And this present was the best ever present for me in my life!



Our next destination there was the trip to Romania. And, we started it from browsing the streets around, a walk through a local park, watching some monuments and fountains there. Watching one of them, my baby stopped in front. She was thinking for a few seconds there, and then started to remove shoes and was ready to wash herself in the fountain, so much hot it was there for her.

Yes, these days the greatest fun my kid and me used to have still round the water. For this occasion we used to prepared well. To have more fun up to the lake and swimming pool I have have bought the water mattress, the water motor and the water safety pillows. My baby studied to use there things almost without my help. The mattress the baby was transporting into the water by the own. And catching with the hands, was trying to push herself in front with the help of the legs. Actually, there were the first lessons of swimming done. I helped her to overcome the scare of water and to feel the balance up to the water, keeping her hands and moving her in front of me. At first, body of the baby was stretched there. And she was scared to let my hands free. But later, the kid has relaxed a bit. And when I was letting her hands free, she used to move into my direction, dealing with the distance of one meter and even more, pushing in front with the legs, too. Sure, we were doing this with the safety pillows on. Without them my baby was not able still to swim alone. We also had much fun, trying to play volleyball. And, all these games with the ball, inside and outside the water, even if not following the rules yet, my baby used to like so much.

We have made the new friends in the new place. My baby and I used to have a place in the house where were two more children, 3 and 5 years old. With the older child, who was a boy, she just fell in love. In the morning the first thing there was to visit his room and to tell him "hello". Or, it was the opposite that the boy used to come to our room to invite my baby to play together. All the house then was going from top to toes. But, I have never saw my child being so happy in the company of other children, like at that time. Together they were watching cartoons, drawing, playing with the cars and dolls, driving child's bikes. But, what was making my baby happy most of all there, it was playing the game "catch me".

And, when the weather was not sunny, we used to have fun in the baby's playing park. I lost the sensation of the time inside that magic place. And one hour of entertainment there, it was feeling like 15 minutes only approximately. Helicopters, trains, cars rides, slides, and ball, balls, balls, a lot of balls!...



...When my child has seen me brushing the teeth that morning, she started to shout and demanded my tooth brush. This was the first time the baby showed the interest towards that tool. And this time, she took the tooth brush into her hands, and started to brush her teeth.

The next action of the child made me smile: as soon as the baby finished with her teeth brushing, she went to the dog to give him a kiss. So, small, and already understands the education things...Both me and dog were impressed!

...It was a cool weather almost all these days outside. And we tried to used it as much as possible: after the breakfast we used to leave for the lake that was five minutes walk from the house. In the morning the sun was not very hot yet. So, it was possible to lie under the sun one-two hours. Or, to count the stones at the lake shore, that my baby used to do with great pleasure. And later, closer to the lunch time, we used to have a small picnic in the shadow under the tree. Or, we used to move in the baby park. There was more shadow to have fun up to the slides when it was becoming really hot. And sometimes we used to go to the cafe in front of the lake to play a great american billiard there. It was a particular big squared area with the balls almost like the football ones.

By the way, exactly during these days at the beach, my child has done her first photos. The master-pieces included the accessories that she liked so much: the glasses, the bag and the shoes... And the photos were really cool. And, if I did not know that it was done by the child, I would think it was done with some adult photo passionate person.



The greatest event of the next month there was the visit a kind of festival for babies with different activities - 'Fiera di Osnago'. It was a real paradise for babies, so many things was possible to do there! We arrived there in the morning, and left the event closer to the evening time.

My child loves animals much. So, the trip around started exactly from this section. We found there mostly domestic animals, and most of them it was possible to touch. That was the advantage, if to compare it with the zoo. As the children always have the temptation to try all with the own hands. Among the horses, sheep, asses there, there was also a family of a very lovely white rabbits. And the most of time my baby was spending exactly at that corner. As these rabbits there was possible to take also up to the hands.

The next one section of entertainment that has attracted my baby so much there was the active one with slides. At first, we did it few times together. But later for my baby it was already a kind of competition with another child: who would arrive faster to the finish and how many times would do that.

When we have got tired and were moving to have the rest to the room with balls there, we have met some alive characters there, and even did a photo with a great cat. In the game with the balls, my child has won, I have to admit. As she through away around much more balls then me. And with constructions I used to help her. And we built a great tower there together!

Later my baby took my the hand up and brought to me to the Sweet House. There we have seen one of a greatest ice-creams in our life! And when we exited some clown presented us a ballon, too. And we continued our travelling to a painting room. There was a possibility to do a child's tattoo there. But, my kid was scared somebody to touch her with the hands and some kind of pen. So, we just limited the activities with the painting up to the paper and creating the picture up to the wall. It was the first time Margaret was keeping colourful pencils and brushes, and she used to have a very busy face...

...And even on the way back home, already on the exit, we had a chance to watch a performance already in the street. It was a wonderful magic trip into a fairy tale.

But not every day is a holiday. And sometimes we used still to stay at home and around. More and more time my child was busy playing a model. And she was coming each time to watch herself in the mirror after putting on the new dress on. And most of all, seems like, she used to like to put on my shoes there! At the same time we made the first hair arranging - two pony tails at the upper part of the head. She was so funny looking and was reminding me a grass hopper. Also she continue to copy me about everything: imitating typing at the computer, the mood of showing the tongue , movement of the hands... Actually, these days she became a very active user of the computer. She used to open and close computer, typed there something and tried to find her favourite cartoon about Peppa pig...

The summer season was starting. And the more time we used to spend outside in the park equipped with baby playing area. At this time the baby was already confident. And used to get up to slides and all the other children attractions without problems. We used to do the first shapes from the sand at that period, too. It was quite thrilling that moment for me. I had the opportunity to remind together with my baby how I used to do it almost 30 years ago. I had to remind the balance of water to put in, so it was possible to make the constructions of the sand. When doing the shapes, my hands were a bit not used to that, like hers, too. And, finally, together we did a hard job, and obtained wonderful sand done boxes and fruits. And, mean while, the sand creatures were drying up the sun, my child and I were taking the sun at the beach, too. Margaret, like a true girl, was so interested in putting the cream there. She was serving both of us, so no change to burn under the sun there was. And when the baby was putting on my sun glasses there, she used to look like some star there ... Unforgettable summer holidays were starting on.

...The leadership qualities can not be hidden so easily. Since we got the dog there, my child has got someone to take care about. She started to prepare food for him and put the water, too. The child used to cover the dog like a baby with the blanket, or some sweater. And when we were out, she like a boss was giving the commands to the dog: "No!" "Here!", " Down!" And, in spite of that the dog was stronger then she was, the baby still with all the power tried to power him, even if falling down the floor because of the dog's push.

Except the dog's friend, at this time we've got one more regular friend. At the same house, where we moved to, there was baby-girl one year older, then my baby. Very often we were invited to play together. So, we became the regular guests at this house after the lunch time sleep. We were paying games together. And it was the first time when my kid was playing the family, and driving the baby pram. At that time she also actively started to play a cooker. I remember, how impressed she was when we had bought a shopping and kitchen sets there. A boiled strawberry tasted so good then: she used to let me to try her plastic masterpiece then! And after examining all the things at home, my baby later went to boaster with her kitchen stuff presents immediately to the apartment of friend there. Margaret also was very happy about that, as that family used to have also two white lovely dogs. From time to time, we were going to the lake together, and feeding ducks there, too.

That was the time when my baby started to be even more copy-cat, then before. Or, better to say, she used to copy me much better, then before. I liked to play with her in that mood much: to express some emotion, and to watch how she is coping it. Or, when I used to say "let's go out", she used to come up immediately to the door and put on my bag and shoes. She has had her accessories, but she used to like always to try mine much more there.

Having fun like this, we arrived to Easter holidays. It became already a tradition to visit Japanese restaurant on the greatest holidays. Unlimited food service, what can be better, in case you like something much? So, after the great plates of the sea food and different kinds of dessert, finally in the afternoon we came back home. There was waiting a great Easter Chocolate Egg for us. As soon as my child have seen it, she ran to open and eat it immediately. I did not know how she could do it, as my stomach was really full. And the kid with great pleasure finished half of the egg. And, I think, could finish all, if I did not take it away, so this way to prevent stomach problems.



The first slides and swings my baby and me used to visited at the age of 18 months old. She was strong enough already to walk in normal way. But, the kid still needed some hep to go up to the stairs of the slide. It was also the first fun up to the speed in her life. The most attractive for my baby there were the closed slides, like a kind of the tube. I think, that day we have spent a few hours up and down these slides, and came back home all dirty, wet, but happy.

It was already time to start to study to eat like a true lady. And during the next visit to the Japanese restaurant, my baby found a dish of sea food and two eating tools into both hands. There was a happy and confused face firstly. She was eating with the spoons, one in each hand. And later we tried to eat with sticks! And again full of impressions face. She examined first one, and later another one stick, and tried to eat with one of them and later with both..These first tries were so cool and entertaining for both of us. And the top of the evening there was the sorbet, iced drink, that my child also tried for the first time in her life. She did cheers with me. Since then each time when in the restaurant or cafe, and sometimes at home, she used to repeat the 'chin'...

And closer to the end of the month the carnival in our area was arriving. As like all the first things in our life, this one also was a long one to prepare.

We started from visiting the shop and examining what they have there. I was thinking that it would be nice to get some decorations up to the head. After trying lots of them, we still stopped at the queen's one. With the crawl and the princess dress up, my baby was like a true princess. Putting on the fur-coat and checking, if all is ok in front of the mirror, my child was ready for going out for a great party!

The music, the costumes and the show in total was wonderful there. The baby was watching the troops passing through, on foot or by car , with the great interest. She also was participating in dancing with me and others there, and putting into the air the colourful papers. A great party there was on!

Very soon we were in a holiday mood again. It was the International Woman's Day arriving. And we were getting ready. The baby got some practice and tried to arrange the hair with the baby's hair set. But later we still decided to go to the hairdressers. We, girls, have to be nice-looking, specially during our day! The party finished with the cake and entertainment in the baby playing area.

In total, this month there was very full, not only about celebrations, but about studying new things, too. A special interest my child has got towards the computer. We used to watch the cartoons up to the tablet or computer before. And the baby used to press some buttons there before. But, then it was different. As nowadays the baby already tried to repeat some action there. For example, the sound button: if I used to put the sound down, the baby used to put it up back. And then again, by her own, putting to the previous position. And the same way there was with other buttons, too.

It was still far away till the school time, but we already started to study to pack the bag and to put it up to the back. This way my kid was looking like a funny small snail with a big house back to her.

We started to play the game sniper. She also was studying to charge the gun and to get into  the goals there. She was doing it with such the considered and concentrated face!...

We were playing the bartender there, and she was arranging her bottles with juice, milk and water and doing cocktails. Probably, no one high educated barmen in the world, would have such the face, like the baby used to have at that moment. And in total, the emotions up to the face started to develop much more. "All ok", "Let me think", "Stay in silence", "That's cool", "O-o-o-o", "Mmmmm" these incredible emotions were up to her face then...



Each time trying the new things, my baby used to have particular impressed face. When she saw a dog and later took it home, I think this impression was double then. I was even getting jealous. As so many hugs my baby used not even to give to me, like that dog used to receive there.

At this period we were living still at the lake in the country side house. With a baby and dog it was necessary to clean properly and every day. My child used to watch me arranging around and once she decided to help me. Rather early, I have to admit, at the age of one year and four months. It was so kind of her and made me really smile. With the brooms into two hands and trying to copy me, it was not possible to watch the child without a laugh or at least smile up to the face. The most funny episodes, I remember, there were when I used to turn on the music and the baby was dancing with the brooms in the rhythms of music. I tried to change the songs, and I noticed that the movements of the baby's body was changing according to the rhythms of the songs. The video of her that I have made then was just amazing. So, small and already so tactical little one!

Except dancing, we were playing also a model. What I noticed about my baby there was that all the kinds of decorations up to the head, used to suit her just wonderful. Putting the big bowl up to the head, the baby was very curious to watch herself inside the mirror there. I do not know, if the kid thought that there was another baby in, or she used to recognize herself still there, but all the time a great smile used to appear up to her face. Sometimes she used to turn the head towards me, giving me a quick look, and again continue with the great interest to watch herself.

Sure, after such the activities we were getting tired and hungry. The best place where my baby liked to have a rest there was up to the stomach and breast. Hard to breath for me, but my kid was getting calm and even falling asleep very fast then.

And the first dish that we used to cook together there was a pizza. I prepared the bread, and my baby was helping me to put all the other ingredients up to it. She couldn't wait till the time it to be cooked, and was watching the fire inside the oven almost non-stop. And when pizza was ready and was at the table, the baby was sneezing to make it colder and was calling me with a hand to join in. Unforgettable moments of cooking and taking dinner like this together...It was our second Santa Valentine's Day!



The Christmas my baby and me have spent in front of the fire place in the arm-chair. It was so calm to stay in front of the fire place, to watch the fire, to listen to the christmas music, and to make soap bubbles... It was the first time we were making the soap bubbles there! Actually, the baby was keeping the soap bubbles making tool, and I was blowing out the bubbles. And she was trying there all her best to help me!..

My baby also used to fall in love with sweets since her early childhood. The first time when the child has tried the chocolate, she liked it so much that a few days did not want to eat anything, just it. She even got the allergy at that period, I remember. But, she was small then, only one year old. And nowadays Margaret was already three months older. And with a great pleasure and without problems she was eating sweets there. Important there was not to show any sweetness before the meal time. As the baby again immediately was refusing to eat in a normal way. Her preference there was Chupa Chups and tiramisu. Such a full of emotions face she used to have then! And such the happiness possible to notice only in childhood, I guess. With a great spoon she was finishing the portion of the tasty cake in a very short time. And after there were the first tries to drink juice from the package with a tube. And she did it well from the second try!

The Christmas holidays were brooming there... We met and enjoyed many street performances at that time. And we have had the rest at the lake. The lake in winter was windy, it felt cold. But, we dressed well. And the magic of lake there was that in few minutes after the arrival there, the kid used to fall asleep immediately and strongly.

At Christmas holidays of the previous year the weather there was rather like in autumn, not like in winter time. And this winter we have met the first snow, too. I saw that it was so unusual for my child to do the steps up to it. At the beginning those steps were not confident, like up to surface that you could not trust, and she was waving the body left and right. Well, she was sixteenth months old, and recently started to walk. But, later my baby liked it so much that she forgot about danger and started to run up to it. For the first time we tried to play snowballs then. It was not a proper game yet, and looked like the attack of mine. And, sometimes she was just catching the snow ball. But, still we have been having fun and much impressions up to the first snow.



The month before Christmas was probably the most full of visiting shops and restaurants in the life of my child. It just happened that we had more time and possibilities there. And Margaret has had really fun, like a true lady there, despite that she was at the age of fifteen months only.

...The shops full of Christmas toys, so tasty looking cakes, and the stores of accessories that my child could not pass through without not stopping into it! More over, there was a kind of the party. And the balloons round there were such a temptation! How not to come in and grab may be some?...

And later a trip to new year tree... It was placed in a middle of the square, and the light was playing with the New Year tree balls there. And that view was so attractive for the baby, too. It was not possible not to touch. Her eyes wild spread so much impressions, while watching that tree! And, if to walk a few minutes forward, there was a skating-rink. My baby was not able to skate inside with me yet. So, we just were watching others there.

...The city was already in Christmas mood. You could feel that particular atmosphere around, both night and day time. So, having tea time outside was making my child so happy. And croissant used to taste so great at the fresh air.
And after a nice meal at lunch time, the sleep outside was so sweet!.

We used to try many different open aria cafe and thematic restaurants. Each time a new experience, and so full of surprise and emotions face there was. But, the greatest photo session, I think, in this month we did in the Japanese restaurant. It was the first time the baby was trying a kind of particular kind of food like this, too. Visiting the park of attractions on the open aria for the first time and the first ride up to ferari used to happen at the same time, too. What the impressed experience, and what a cheerful face!

At the same month we used to change the kinder garden for another one. That one was just closer to the place where we used to live. And ten days before the Christmas, they organise the Christmas party for children. It was the first and the greatest Christmas parties with the new experience for both of us there! By the way, that month was also famous with the first steps of my child. After the few weeks of standing up to the legs, my baby finally, on the 17th of December, have done her first steps! It was a distance of the few meters non stop walk there. And since then she started her confident walk...



There was arrived the time for kinder garden! And the first steps there we have done with our on feed at the age fourteenth months old...

I remember it was hard to obtain some place in the kinder garden. It is necessary to subscribe on time, as the queue is great there. In the region where we used to live, the month of subscription was fixed and it was May. And, if you miss it, and subscribe later, then nobody guarantee you, that you can get a place that fast later.

For example, I was looking for a kinder garden in Italy. And, the one here, normally you have to do the subscription in spring only. But, which month, again it already depends on the area and region. And, I did in autumn, in stead of May. The chances were very low. And in the worst case, there was the need to wait till the next year long! But, I had a good luck, that one place got free there, as the mother moved her child to another place. So, after less then two months of waiting, we were in.

It was different then to meet kids in the children playing places. There you are always together with a baby. And in the kinder garden you have to leave it in alone. Sure, the baby has to get used to the new atmosphere and people. So, the first few days I was all the time with her. And, it was just a short time of one-two hours per day to get used to the new environment. And later, depends, how the baby is going on, the time of staying in the kinder garden is increasing: three-four hours per day, and up to eight.

Also, starting from the second week of visiting of the kinder garden, they are slowly leaving the babies without parents, only with teaches there. Again, for one hour first, and later for two-three hours per day. At the beginning the parent is waiting in the corridor. And, in case of the child is not happy and is crying there, they call the parent to come in. Later the same thing is about the lunch sleep. They ask you to stay in kinder garden the first few times, while the baby sleeps. So the first person whom the baby would see when wakes up, it will be the mother. In this way, they say, the stress for the baby is less. My child was very good in getting used to the new environment, and already in 11 days, not three weeks, she has finished adaptation period.

At the first day my baby just mostly watched others. And did not participate much in activities. And the second day she started to play with the things around. It is funny, that among all the toys that there were, Margaret used to show interest to the cans of shampoo or soap. I honestly was very surprised that kinder gardens give the empty bottles of body care products to play with. And, they said that it is funny, but they noticed that they are the favourite child's toys!

Margaret was very happy to stay in the kinder garden. She got a sympathy there to one boy. To show the interest to him, she removed her sock, and handled it like a present! It was so funny to watch the reactions of both... Making a joke, I called it the first striptease experience.

And the same month we've got the first experience about baby park of attraction. To ride the dolphin, to fly the helicopter there was so funny, and the baby have been doing it with such the happy face! And one gentle man of two years old has invited Margaret to ride the car with him there. And we also rode slowly into next month of Margaret's life!...


THE BABY IS TWO YEARS OLD?SHE IS ALREDY A LADY! ...My baby was becoming a true lady day by day, more and more. And more an...